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Friday, April 3, 2015

Egg-stra Easter Joy!

A long time ago, when my family was coloring eggs, I got out a magazine we had and tried copying the designs I saw on some eggshells. I think I started on the fish one that night and then I realized how fun it was for me.  I still have these few eggs I made.  
Sorry, I know it's super cheesy but I have to make an egg-ception and use the egg-stra humor today.  In honor of my dad (who always used this humor around Easter time or when eating eggs).  It drove me crazy, but still in your heart, as a kid you like it...even though it is silly and corny.  Now he is gone and I will have to use it on my kids here and there and I know they like that too!!

I painted these during high school and college.  I used to blow them out and then keep it in my room and just paint them for like 5 minutes at a time and then come back to them later until they were finished.  I guess I could still do that now, since it only takes 5 minute batches of time, but I haven't done one since I did this one for Matt for Christmas before we were married!

This one (above) was just for fun, but the top ones were done imitating the style of Ukrainian egg pictures that I had found in some magazines.  Authentic Ukrainian eggs are decorated in a different way...with dyes and wax and I just used a brush and acrylic paint, but it was fun to mimic the style.  These two are my favorite (below)...they're probably about 20 years old now!  There were some other ones that have been broken by little hands over the years, but these ones have survived....I wonder how long eggshell lasts before it disintegrates?

I think while my family is coloring eggs this year, I am going to try do start another one of these.  Who knows, maybe it will revive some of my creativity flow from my younger brain of years past.  Try it with me if you enjoy painting! It's easier than it looks because the Ukrainian designs are so geometrical and if you sketch it with a pencil first and have a really thin brush (key item) it can be really fun.  I'm sure a myriad of design examples would come up on google.

Here are a few other egg-cellent Easter things my daughter and I have been up to.  
Not too many supplies required egg-cept plastic eggs, egg cartons, googly eyes and paper for the beaks.  I like this one because this is a great craft for kids to do on their own:

(Below)Pom Poms, beads for eyes and felt or paper for the beaks.  We just got a few sticks for the bottom of the nest and then dipped some yarn in starch (no egg-xact science...just the straight starch) and let it dry around a bowl before gluing it all together:

Hope your family is egg-cited for Easter!

But He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.  Isaiah 53:5

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